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Alchemica Music Club

2 shows in Italy in november opening for the heaviest Canadian Sludgers @dopethroneband Bologna, 6th + Treviso, 7th 🔥 time to play some new hot tracks🔥#burninggloom #newalbum #amygdala #liveshows #livemusic #ontour #supporting #dopethrone #alchemicamusicclub #bologna #altroquando #hightidevenice #godownrecords #treviso #argonautarecords #sludgemetal #sludgedoom #doommetal #stonermetal #doommetal💀 #doomsludge

Photo by Burning Gloom in Alchemica Music Club with @deadpig_booking, @godownrecords, @alchemica_club, @dopethroneband, @altroquandotreviso, and @hightidevenice. Image may contain: text.


Piazza San Marco Venezia

Venezia con l’acqua alta 🌊🌊🌊 #venezia #venice #acquaalta #acquaaltaavenezia #hightide #hightidevenice #baby #motheranddaughter #mammaefiglia #italy #travel #basilica #basilicasanmarco #trombini #wellies #picoftheday photo credit @mikemaicmike

Photo by Alice Noel Fabi in Piazza San Marco Venezia. Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, child, outdoor and water.

#venezia #veneziaunica #veneziatoday #veneziadavivere #venice #veniceitaly #venedig #acquaalta #acquaaltaavenezia #wonderfulvenice #canalidivenezia #lagunadivenezia

Photo by Dharmadhara on November 19, 2019. Image may contain: outdoor and water.


Libreria Acqua Alta Di Frizzo Luigi

Triste quand une des plus incroyables librairies du monde se retrouve sous les eaux. Un lieu qui permettait de s’élever...un peu...#ignorancekills #lignorancetue #libreriaacquaaltavenezia #acquaalta #acquaaltavenezia

Photo by bESS (officiel) in Libreria Acqua Alta Di Frizzo Luigi. Image may contain: text that says 'FOLLOW THE BOOK STEPE CLIMB GO'.

@welikeduel @makkox @zdizoro @quelloditermoli81 mi hanno ispirato questo riassunto sulle calzature tipiche di questi giorni autunnali. #acquaalta #venezia #venice #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomicofinstagram #comicsofinstagram #comicstagram #funnycomics #vignette #vignetteumoristiche #drawing #draw #fastidi #fastidio #cancelletto41 #doodle #comicstrips #fumetto #fumetti #humor @venezia_non_e_disneyland @comitato_no_grandi_navi

Photo by ~alice~ on November 27, 2019.


Venezia, Italia

Venedik'ten sulu sulu taptaze #acquaaltavenezia #venezia #venedik #venice #venise #venezia #venedig #venice

E ancora più su #acquaaltaavenezia #venezianonedisneyland

Photo by barbarainvenice❤️1572 on November 27, 2019. Image may contain: outdoor and water.


Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca' d'Oro

La marea oggi in corte nel suo picco massimo delle 11.30. #amollomanonmolliamo . ---------------------------------------- ⚠AVVISO AI VISITATORI ⚠ 👉 Causa permanere di condizioni metereologiche avverse e inaccessibilità degli ambienti di servizio al piano terra, il museo resterà CHIUSO al pubblico anche per tutta la giornata di domani. Continuate a seguire i nostri aggiornamenti. Un grazie di cuore a tutti coloro che ci stanno supportando con aiuti e attestati di solidarietà ! . --------------------------------- 👉 Due to the constant adverse weather situation and technical problems, tomorrow the museum will remain CLOSED. The Gallery will open as soon as the minimum safety standards will be restored. A review of the situaton day by day. We take this opportunity to thank you for all your solidarity messages. @mibact @museitaliani @carpentersworkshopgallery #AcquaAlta #HighTide #AcquaAltaVenezia #HighTideVenice #galleriafranchetti #galleriagiorgiofranchetti #galleriagiorgiofranchettiallacadoro #cadoro #cadorovenezia #canalgrande #polomusealedelveneto #museitaliani #museiveneziani #italianmuseums #venetianpalaces #venetiancourtyards #veradapozzo #venetianmuseums #visitvenice #venezia360 #detourismvenice #igervenezia #ig_venezia #beniculturali30 #acqualta2019 #cortiliveneziani #emergenzavenezia #forzaVenezia

Photo by Galleria Franchetti Ca' d'Oro in Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca' d'Oro.

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The posts were automatically collected by means of a selection of keywords and #tags, in Italian and English. The contents collected do not represent the opinions and / or the political positions of the AquaGranda project, but they show the points of view expressed by Italian citizens and foreigners in relation to the theme of high water. To report inappropriate material or if you recognize yourself as the owner of the image or appear in the image without your consent and intend to have more information about our archive write to "

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Winner of the Honorary Mention 2023

A project cofunded by European Union

Navigating Aquagranda, a digital community memory

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