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A call to join the international efforts in supporting #Venice after the recent natural disaster. To save the artistic and #culturalheritage the city of Venice launched a “contribution for water emergency” where donors can make a significant addition at the following bank details: Bank account holder: Comune di Venezia Description of payment: contribution for water emergency IBAN: IT 24 T 03069 02117 100000 018767 BIC/SWIFT: BCITITMM #SaveVenice #acquaalta

High tide. A Hotel’s entrance. #venice #italy #acquaalta #beautyallaround #venetianlife

Photo by Pierina Dalle Nogare on November 27, 2019. Image may contain: outdoor.

I found these objects around the house. do any of you know what they are and what they are for? - Ho trovato questi oggetti in giro per casa. qualcuno di voi sa che cosa siano e a cosa servano? #venezia #venice #acquaalta #acquaaltavenezia #hightide #hightidevenice #albertotosofei

Photo by Alberto Toso Fei on November 16, 2019. Image may contain: shoes.

Hide tide in #venice #unescosite #artisticheritage 😭 #hidetide #saintmarksquare #climachange #greenhouseeffect 🔥🔥🔥 #globalwarming #altamarea en #venecia 😭 #plazadesanmarcos #patrimoniomundialunesco #cambioclimatico 🌐 🌐 #efectoinvernadero 🔥🔥🔥 #calentamientodelplaneta #veneza #efeitoestufa #aquecimentoglobal #praçasanmarco #mudançaclimatica #venezia #acquaalta #patrimonioartistico #effettoserra 🔥🔥🔥 #cambiamenticlimatici #piazzasanmarco #veneziaartecultura #bestveniceguides


Venice, Italy

Venezia del "futuro": Scusi signor pesce, mi porta il mio macchiatone con cacao? #veneziaunica #veneziadavivere #venezia #veneziagram #acquaalta #acquaaltaavenezia #photooftheday #photo #photography #italy #italytravel

Photo by SARA in Venice, Italy with @veneziaunica, @veneziacityitaly, @venezia_per_sempre, and @venezia_non_e_disneyland. Image may contain: people sitting, table, outdoor, water and indoor.

Gros coup de 🖤 ce soir pour Acqua Alta – Noir d’encre de Claire B et Adrien M sur une musique originale de @olivier.mellano : un spectacle de théâtre visuel mêlant danse et numérique @archipel.fouesnant #artnumerique #danse #acquaalta #spectacle

Photo by Rosie Starfish on November 29, 2019.

News from venice (Alberto Peratoner ph.): dramatic and suggestive at the same time view of San Lazzaro degli armeni today. Una testimoninza drammatica e nello stesso suggestiva di san Lazzaro degli armeni a Venezia oggi (Alberto Peratoner ph) #venice #venezia #acquaaltaavenezia #acquaalta #altamarea #highwater #hightide #hightides #chiostri #cloister #cloisters

Photo by Nazzarena Zanini on November 13, 2019. Image may contain: water.

#venicebiennale #acquaalta2019

Photo by @jasminhantl on November 15, 2019. Image may contain: sky, basketball court, tree and outdoor.


Venice, Italy

Si ricomincia a camminare. Venezia, 12 novembre 2019 - 187 cm. . . #venice🇮🇹 #venezia #larepubblica #veneziaunica #veneziacityitaly #acquaalta #veniceitaly #venice #comunedivenezia #acquaaltaavenezia #rialziamovenezia #igersveneto #igersvenezia #igersitalia #new_photoveneto #new_photovenezia #new_photoitalia #huaweiitalia #huaweiphotography #matteosimionphotography #like4likes #likeforlikes #likeforfollow #likeforlikeback #protezionecivile #veneziagram #veneziaunica #veneziadavivere #corrieredellasera #cafoscari

Photo by Matteo Simion in Venice, Italy with @igersitalia, @igersvenezia, @igersveneto, @larepubblica, @cafoscaritour, @decathlonitalia, @corriere, @huaweimobileit, @cafoscari, @comunevenezia, @new_photoitalia, @new_photoitaly, @new_photostreet, @new_photoveneto, and @venezia_cartoline. Image may contain: shoes and outdoor.

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The posts were automatically collected by means of a selection of keywords and #tags, in Italian and English. The contents collected do not represent the opinions and / or the political positions of the AquaGranda project, but they show the points of view expressed by Italian citizens and foreigners in relation to the theme of high water. To report inappropriate material or if you recognize yourself as the owner of the image or appear in the image without your consent and intend to have more information about our archive write to "

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Winner of the Honorary Mention 2023

A project cofunded by European Union

Navigating Aquagranda, a digital community memory

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